Board Meetings
The Board of Education meets once a month to consider, discuss, and determine the direction Multnomah Education Service District will take in a range of areas. Regular meetings are typically held via Zoom on the third Tuesday of the month.
MESD is governed by a seven-member, elected Board of Directors who serve four-year terms
View past and future meeting agendas, minutes, and attachments
Access video recordings of previous MESD Board meetings
UpcomIng Meetings & EVENTS
View upcoming MESD meetings, including links to join live meetings
NEXT Board Meeting
Tuesday, February 18 at 6pm
Link to join Zoom meeting
Passcode: 629175
Board Highlight for 2/18/25
The MESD Board will be meeting in Regular Session and the newly appointed Board member for Zone 5, Position 1 will take the Oath of Office.
Comments and questions may submitted via the form below or mailed to:
School Board
11611 NE Ainsworth Circle
Portland, OR 97220
use thE BOARD GRIEVANCE form to submit a Complaint
Public Comment at Board Meetings
To sign up to provide public comment, please email the information below to Heather Severns, MESD Board Secretary, at 503-257-1504 or at Requests for public comment will be processed in the order they are received for a set amount of available spots. Email and phone requests should be received by 12:00 pm the day of the meeting. Walk-up requests are taken, if space is available, in the fifteen minutes prior to the meeting (and must be received before the start of the meeting). Written public comments may be sent to
Each person wishing to address the Board must sign up individually for Public Comment. Holding slots will not be allowed, and a person may not sign up for other speakers. A speaker who is assigned a speaking slot will not be allowed to share their three minutes with others.
Email requests to provide public comment should include:
- Full name
- Pronouns
- Topic
- Date requested
- School Community
- Phone number (is texting is okay?)
- Are you a student?
- Would you like to attend in-person or virtually?
- Do you need an interpreter?
Additional information about public comment protocols:
- If an item on the agenda is an Action Item at that Board meeting, the speaker will be invited to testify during that agenda item. If the item is canceled, postponed, or withdrawn from the schedule, public comment on the item will not take place. Requests should include the date the requester wishes to speak, the requester’s first and last name, phone number or email, the topic of their comments, and their school community.
- The Board Clerk will read off the names of speakers who have signed up to testify. All persons called should come to the testimony table. Each individual signed up will have up to 3 minutes and 30 seconds to testify unless otherwise stated. Testimony at Board Committees is two minutes each.
- The requester may submit written testimony before or at the meeting; please provide 10 copies.
- Public Comment allows the Board and Superintendent to hear issues of interest, but does not allow an opportunity for dialogue between the speaker, Board, or Superintendent.
- If an interpreter is required, please notify the Board Office at least 48 hours in advance.
- Videos or PowerPoint presentations may not be used to accompany public testimony.
- In the event the meeting is canceled, the requester will be notified of the next available open date.