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Public Records Request Form


Please complete the following information to initiate your public records request.

MESD responds to all requests for public records. We strive to provide records in a timely fashion. We have the responsibility of meeting the district’s privacy obligations to students and staff and helping to promote transparency and a greater understanding of how the district carries out the public’s business. 

All MESD records are considered public records unless exempt under ORS Chapter 192. 

Need another language? See the MESD Public Records Request Form in other languages:
Spanish  |  Vietnamese  |  Chinese  |  Somali  |  Russian 







Notes: Student Records are not public records per ORS Chapter 192.496. Please do not use this form to request student records. Request student records

MESD does not have access to records at our component districts. Please request records directly:
Centennial / Corbett / David Douglas / Gresham Barlow / Parkrose / Portland Public / Reynolds / Riverdale