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Student Records Request Form



Please complete the following information to initiate your student record request.

After you complete this form, an MESD representative will contact you within 10 school days for identification and/or a copy of a signed release of information before releasing any records. 

Need another language? See the MESD Student Records Request Form in other languages:
Spanish  |  Vietnamese  |  Chinese  |  Somali  |  Russian 



Point of Contact - Namerequired
First Name
Last Name



Relationship to Studentrequired
In accordance with MESD Board Policy JOB and FERPA privacy protections, we may need to verify your identity to complete your request. Please be ready to provide a release of information or proof of identity to help expedite your request. 



Student's Namerequired
First Name
Other Names (optional)
Last Name
(Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format)





Please note that MESD does not have access to records at our component districts.
Use the links below to request records directly from the required school district:
Centennial / Corbett / David Douglas / Gresham Barlow / Parkrose / Portland Public / Reynolds / Riverdale

Not sure what district or school your student attended? Find your school district and local school here.