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Strategic Communications & Public Affairs

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

The Office of Strategic Communications and Public Affairs serves as a liaison between MESD and the broader community. We provide information and facilitate effective communications between the district, our eighth district component school districts, and the broader community.

We utilize a variety of channels to disseminate accurate, relevant, and timely information. These include:

  • District website, social media channels, and e-newsletter
  • FlashAlert notifications: text, email
  • Articles / stories in newspapers, television, and radio outlets
  • Reports

The Communications team offers the following menu of services to MESD schools, programs and district components: 

  • Content, copy, and technical writing; copy editing
  • Social media management
  • Graphic design
  • Web presence: content, design, and support
  • Multimedia storytelling (videography, photography, graphics)
  • Marketing and outreach materials
  • Branding
  • Media relations and press releases 
  • Communications, marketing, graphic design consultation
  • Communication audits

The Government Affairs Administrator supports these efforts as follows:

  • Supports the government relations and advocacy efforts of the East Multnomah County school districts
  • Informs districts of relevant state and federal policy changes
  • Liaises with local, regional, and state agencies
  • Coordinates with education advocacy groups including COSA, OSBA, OEA, OSNA, ONA and AFSCME
  • Provides districts with legislative advocacy and communications support to advance priorities for children's education, health, welfare, and family stability

public records requests

MESD responds to all requests for public records. We strive to provide records in a timely fashion. We have the responsibility of meeting the district’s privacy obligations to students and staff and helping to promote transparency and a greater understanding of how the district carries out the public’s business. 

Please use the following form to request public records from MESD.


media requests

MESD responds to all media requests and interviews requests by members of the local and national news media, including reporters from print, radio, television, and online news sources.


email us at
