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Interview with a Randall Children's Hospital Graduate

We recently interviewed one of our proud graduates, Herminia. Herminia graduated with a high school diploma in June 2016. Our teaching staff attended the emotional ceremony. Herminia agreed to be interviewed and offered her perspective on the services that the hospital school program provides.

A smiling portrait of Herminia, the subject of the interview on this page

How did you find out about the Hospital School Program (HSP)?
I learned about the HSP because I used to be a patient and while I was a patient the teachers helped me with everything they could do for me.

What made you decide to utilize the HSP services?
When I was ill, I would miss a lot of school and spend most of my days at the hospital. My treatment was 3-days every week. To prevent falling behind in all of my classes, the teachers from the school program would come where to my unit and would help me with my school work.

How long did you utilize HSP school services?
I used the HSP services all throughout high school even after I received my kidney transplant. In total, I have known the teachers for approximately 7 years.

How did the HSP teachers help you learn the content during dialysis treatments?
If I missed a whole lesson at school the hospital teachers would go through it with me and teach me just as if I was at school. Even when I was at school for the lesson they would review it with me to make sure I fully understood what I was doing. They always made more time for me if I really needed help with a subject or assignment.

How did they help you find your path towards graduation?
When I thought it was too hard they believed in me. They never gave up on me and always encouraged me. They were positive throughout my journey.

Now that you have graduated, is there anything you appreciate about the HSP teachers that you did not really think about during your school days?
I’ve always appreciated everything they did for me. At the beginning I was hesitant to accept their help, but with time I realized that all they wanted to do was support me in any way they could. They had my best interest at heart. So after I accepted, they have always been there for me. I have always appreciated all they have done for me.

Is there anything the Hospital School Program can do that could help improve the lives of other students with medical challenges?
In my opinion, they already do everything they can do for students. I don’t know what else they could do. They’ve done more than enough for me.